[Info] How to navigate this subforum

Here you can read about and give us feedback on the latest review articles we've been working on, as well as upcoming ones. This is also the right place to request us to take a look at any products you'd like to see covered in the future.
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Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:16 pm

Hi! This is where stuff related to our English-language reviews goes. In general, we collect feedback, ideas and review requests here, and share some insight into the process behind our work.

Feel free to open up a thread about a product you'd like to have us review. We'll try to check as many of these out as possible.

Additionally, we'll try to keep sticky threads open on all of the reviews we're currently working on, where you can hop in and get some behind-the-scenes peeks, as well as point us in the right direction and tell us which aspects of the device you'd like us to cover.

Finally, if there's an update to an older article of ours you'd like to see - eg., a new bit of software tested on an older board or some custom benchmark - this is the place to let us know! Open up a thread and we'll do our best to get to it!
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