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5. When starting topics, always search first and check whether there's one already open with a similar topic. If not, make sure to include details which might make for a more meaningful discussion or might help others help you faster. Make your titles descriptive and try to avoid attention-seeking "clickbait" keywords.

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  • Forum
  • Announcements
    Keep up to date with magazin Mehatronika, the editorial staff and current promotions and events we're hosting.
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    Last post [Start here] We've got a foru…
    by dusan1710 View the latest post
  • General discussion
    General topics go here. Talk about your day or share something cool you've seen or made - everything goes!
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  • Review updates and requests
    Here you can read about and give us feedback on the latest review articles we've been working on, as well as upcoming ones. This is also the right place to request us to take a look at any products you'd like to see covered in the future.
    6 Topics
    6 Posts
    Last post [Currently in review] Sipeed:…
    by dusan1710 View the latest post
  • Industrial equipment
    Talks regarding industrial control and automation equipment, as well as other topics related to professional mechatronics systems go here.
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  • SBCs and development kits
    Discussions related to single-board computers and dev kits go here. Feel free to share a cool project, ask for help with something or just discuss these little devices. If one of them's giving you a hard time, feel free to ask for troubleshooting tips and suggestions!
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  • STEM and education
    Meant for sharing experience with classroom-oriented educational tools and other materials. This is the right place if you're preparing teams for competitions, checking out ways to modernize your education environment or seeking help in organizing or promoting academic events.
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  • Guestbook
    The guestbook is a strictly moderated forum open to unregistered visitors. Meant as a place for safe interaction with our community, it also serves as a place to leave your thoughts and comments on our content.
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