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[Start here] We've got a forum now!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:47 pm
by dusan1710
We've thought quite a bit about the best way to engage more with our community and reader base. One of the initial ideas, and perhaps the most obvious one, was to build a comment system right into Mehatronika's main website, but that brought with it a whole slew of problems we'd have to consider. While this doesn't mean that discussions won't ever be a part of our main site, for the time being we feel that forums, with their robust content structure, are the right option for gathering our community's thoughts, ideas and feedback, as well as answering any questions while keeping core content clean, sleek and managed.

Our reviews and similar content is a big part of why we're embarking on this journey. We never expected so many people from all over the world to be interested in what we do, and we never expected so many people to reach out to us and ask us things, so we wanted to create a hub - even if small for the longest time - where people interested in the topics we cover can share knowledge, and where we can share our insights and tidbits that didn't quite make it into our finished content with everyone.

Finally, with a deep reach into the industrial and educational sector in our native Serbia, we felt the need to create a place for our regular readers to keep up-to-date with our work (hence the separate Serbian forum below) and perhaps get to know some of the people behind the Mehatronika project for over a decade now.

The rules we've set for this place should be pretty basic. Be respectful, don't spam, check if there's already a topic posted about the thing you're trying to start one on. If you're just a guest browsing the forums, feel free to check out the Guestbook subforum and leave a little mark on our slice of the internet. We welcome these and love every single time a reader of ours reaches out.

So, don't be shy! Post something, ask something. We'll be preparing some forum content in the upcoming days to kick things off. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!